Dry Roofing

Dry roofing

Dry Ridge

A J Roofing & Property Services are experts in fitting Dry Ridge Systems and can guarantee your roof and home will be vastly improved with reduced maintenance costs as a result of getting us to fit a Dry Ridge System for your roof.

The ridge of a roof is especially vulnerable to damage by wind driven rain and will often suffer considerable mortar damage over time, resulting in ridge tiles becoming displaced.

Dry Verge

We are experts in fitting Dry Verge Systems and can guarantee your roof and home will be vastly improved with reduced maintenance costs as a result of getting us to fit a Dry Verge System for your roof.
The number of storms battering the UK is on the increase and there is a growing realisation of the unrelaibility of using mortar to secure areas of the roof such as the verge.
The Dry Verge Tile System has been designed to be a cost effective alternative that avoids all of the long term maintenance problems of mortar bedding.




07765 235879





Why dry fix?

  •     Mortar-less ridge tiles & verges
  •     Our Dry Fix System ventilates your roof
  •     Neat, attractive appearance
  •     No more cracked cement or fall out
  •     Prevents entry of birds or large insectsHelps to stop water ingress
  •     Complies fully with relevant British Standard BS5534
  •     Used in conjunction with your existing ridge verge tiles

Why choose us?

  • We wont be beaten on price
  • No deposit required
  • No pushy salesmen
  • Free no obligation quotes